Mend A Relationship - Bring Back Love

If you are trying to mend a relationship the good news is that almost all relationships can be fixed.

Hopefully here we can try and make some sense out of the emotional turmoil and put you on the right track to mending your relationship.

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Breakdown of any relationship is an extremely traumatic experience, emotionally draining at best, and a common cause of depression, clinical depression at worst. The trauma is often compounded by the fact that children are sometimes involved.

Almost all broken or rocky relationships can be salvaged, no matter what the circumstances so lets look at a number of things you can do straight away to mend a relationship.

First Steps

Panic and distress at the loss or breakdown of a relationship with a significant person in your life is one of the most difficult periods of anyones life. Actions and words driven by emotional distress can cause major rifts between the people involved.
The very first thing you must do, and speaking from experience it will be the hardest, is to step away from the relationship in question. During a relationship breakdown, arguments, ill feeling and words spoken in frustration or anger are very detrimental. If you are serious about wanting to mend a relationship then this is a very important step, and one you must make. This move is something that will go against every fibre of your being at such an emotional time, but without doubt the most important step on the way towards mending a relationship.
Text messaging, phone calls or face to face confrontations will only serve to drive the other party further away, so set yourself a no contact policy for a minimum of 3 weeks. Again this will take a monumental effort, as it will go against everything that you feel and want to do. But be strong, you can do it, and it is also something you must do.
If kids are involved make arrangements to see them as much as you can, but other than collecting and dropping off, keep contact to a bare minimum.
The reason you must take this step, is that to mend a relationship a true break is needed for anger and/or frustration to fade. To be able to truly mend a relationship a level head and an objective approach is needed.

Take positive action... click and read: Mend A Relationship - The Seven Step Proven Method For Returning Lost Love